Peter Pugger Pugmill - Frequently Asked Questions  

How is the Pugger-Mixer different from other pugmills?
A Peter Pugger does the job of two machines. Unlike other pugmills that require a separate mixer to prepare the clay, the unique design of these Pugger-Mixers combines the best of both machines into a clay mixing machine with pugmill output. The Power Wedger models also vacuum deair the clay prior to pugging. This eliminates the need for wedging in many applications. The ability to start with powder and/or dry scrap and finish by pugging a uniform batch of moist clay sets Peter Pugger machines apart from all other studio pugmills. Standard with every Peter Pugger Pugger-Mixer is a control switch that automatically shuts off the mixing blades when the hopper door is opened. This prevents the mixing blades from moving while loading clay.

Why is the Pugger-Mixer rated in batch size instead of pounds per hour?
With a Pugger-Mixer, you don't have to spend hours continually force-feeding like other studio pugmills. Just drop a batch in the large hopper opening and, while the machine mixes, you are free to do something else! In other words, Pugger-Mixers are rated by the size of the batch they can mix. We have estimated mixing and pugging pounds per hour for your convenience in the specifications section of each machine.

Why is batch mixing similar to a washing machine?
Batch mixing is similar to a washing machine because you can throw the whole batch in at once - instead of hand feeding each piece like other pugmills. Peter Pugger batch mixes while you're free to do something else. All other pugmills require pre-mixed clay and, similar to hand washing, require continuous hand feeding one piece at a time. Batch mixing enables complete recycling, mixing from powder, and blending grog or paper. Batch sizes range from 20 - 185lbs.

How long does it take to mix a batch?
It takes an average of five to fifteen minutes to mix and pug a batch of clay. Processing time depends on the condition of the material going into the pugger-mixer. Moist scrap or powder and measured water will blend up quickly. Dry chunks take longer to smooth out completely.

What type of clay can I mix?
All Peter Puggers mix moist clay from powder and water, reclaim scrap (wet or dry), blend two or more different bodies, add materials to an already moist clay body or adjust moisture of an already wet body. Any unfired clay can be reclaimed in the Peter Pugger.

How can the Power Wedger save me time and money?
The Power Wedger does the work of both a clay mixer and a pugmill but takes the space of only one machine. Buckets for storing and soaking scrap can be eliminated if scrap is stored directly in the hopper of the Pugger-Mixer. The biggest savings will be your most valuable resource, time. The Power Wedger is like having a tireless studio assistant. The increased ability and ease of recycling clay will help save money on your clay bill. Buying only one machine that can both mix and pug for little more than the cost of either is also a money savings and a space saver. Proven high quality and low maintenance over the long run and a solid guarantee will produce even more savings.

There is no need to use your time continually force feeding clay into a pugmill. Simply load the hopper and let it mix. The Power Wedger will safely mix and deair the clay without constant attention. The reduction of physical exertion for clay preparation and processing will be an added benefit, saving your talents for more creative endeavors.


How can the Pugger-Mixer save me time and money?
Time: There is no need to continually hand feed the Pugger-Mixer, your valuable time can be spent elsewhere during most of the preparation cycle.

Space: The Pugger-Mixer does the work of both a clay mixer and a pugmill but takes the space of only one machine. Buckets for storing and soaking scrap can be eliminated if scrap is stored directly in the hopper.

Money: The biggest money savings will certainly be your time - your most valuable resource. Buying only one machine that can both mix and pug - for little more than the cost of either - is also a savings. Of course, if you can save a little space, that's worth something too. High quality, long guarantee and low maintenance over the long run will produce even more savings.

What is the Peter Pugger Manufacturing guarantee?
Two year coverage on the whole machine. Return the broken part and it will be replaced or repaired free of charge. Thereafter all parts are available from Peter Pugger inventories or standard parts can be obtained through local industrial hardware sources. We will do everything we can to keep your Peter Pugger up and running long into the future.

Is cleaning easy?
Complete cleaning is only necessary to avoid cross contamination of different clay bodies. Peter Pugger was designed to have the weight distributed over large, durable wheels to make moving the pugger-mixer easy. Removing the reducing cone and nozzle gives complete access to the auger blades (PM-50, VPM-60 and PM-100), allowing the parts to be scraped or hosed clean. On the VPM-20 and VPM-30 the mixing blades and auger are easily removed to access the mixing chamber for cleaning. After cleaning, the reverse process is followed for assembly.

Do I need to remove clay from the machine when left for long periods?
Extended storage is a concern with all clay processing equipment. Unlike standard pugmills, the pugger-mixer can remix clay that has dried inside. Just clear the nozzle, add water and remix - after all, that is what Peter Puggers are designed to do. Standard pugmills, if not used for a while, may be severely damaged if run with dry clay inside.

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